Saturday, September 29, 2007

Mold and Selling Real Estate

Selling a house contaminated with mold isn’t a pleasant thing to have to deal with. There are a few things that you can do, however, to make the selling of your mold-contaminated home as painless as possible.

Any real estate sales contract should have in it an environmental inspection clause that allows for a 2 week to a 3 week inspection period so the buyer can have a professional mold inspector view the property and test it for mold or any other kind of natural hazards that might occur in the home. If it’s obvious that mold exists in the home, the only testing you should need is to determine whether the mold is toxic or not. Even if the mold isn’t a hazard to your health, it could be a hazard to the home’s structural integrity. If you can have the mold removed from the home before you sell it, this is the best thing to do. Selling the home will be easier if the mold is already gone, although you can leave this up to the buyer if you want to sell the home for a little less.

The owner of a property being sold shouldn’t make any attempt to hide mold if the problem is known about. If the buyer of the home suspects that you were trying to hide the problem, they may back away from the house completely. After all, if you would deceive them about the mold, what else could you be deceiving them about?

You should have in writing what you have done to try and correct any problems with mold or other environmental hazards. Any past water or mold damage should be disclosed also in this writing and it should be added to the sales contract so the buyer of the home legally knows about it. In addition to this, the seller should include in the contract that the home is being sold as-is and that there is no kind of warranty on the property for any environmental reasons.

Lastly, you should ask for a clause that releases not only you, but the lender, and the real estate agent from any and all liability related to mold to the buyer. As long as the information that you have given in your report about the past water and mold damage to the home and what you have done to remove it is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge, you should be on solid legal ground should any problems with the buyer arise later.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Basement water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
New Jersey Basement water damage restoration companies across the united states.

Mold and Our Pets

Most of us who have pets aren’t really aware that mold is just as dangerous to them as it is to us. In fact, pets, especially young ones and birds, are more susceptible to the affects of mold than human beings are. They are in the category of the first to suffer from the health complications associated with mold and some have even died while living in mold infested homes. Infants, pets, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are the most threatened when it comes to most environment-related health risks. One kind of mold in particular is more dangerous to our pets than others are and that is blastomycoses.

Blastomycoses is also a dangerous kind of mold that has been known to cause pneumonia, skin, and other respiratory infections in our pets. Other organs can be infected and it’s no surprise that these symptoms and complications can also occur in human beings. Much like the canaries in mines that were used long ago to detect poisonous gases, pets are often the ones to warn us that there is a problem in our home. While blastomycoses is a natural part of our every day environments, excessive amounts of it can be extremely harmful. It takes the form of a mold in an indoor or outdoor environment, but when it comes into contact with human beings or animals, it becomes a yeast. Once it has taken on the form of yeast, it is no longer contagious. The animal (or human) can only contract blastomycoses by inhaling the mold spores or by allowing them to enter the body through a cut or sore on the skin.

Unfortunately, pneumonia is the most common form of blastomycoses symptoms in pets and can lead to eventual death if it isn’t untreated. Dogs often cough, become tired or lazy in appearance, have trouble breathing, and cease eating. Skin infections often are wet and itchy and can damage muscle and bone structure if something is not done about them.

Blastomycoses can be dealt with using antifungal medications and a full recovery can be made in up to six months, although a blasto infection is often misdiagnosed and by the time it is diagnosed correctly, it is often too late.

The dogs most affected by blasto are larger, male, young dogs, and any breed that spends a lot of time outdoors, even though blastomycoses is a mold that can grow indoors.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut flood water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
South Carolina Sewage Damage Clean-up companies across the united states.

Mold: A Few Words to Know

When talking about mold, there are a few words and phrases everyone needs to know the meaning of and here are the most important ones.

“Mold”. Mold is a kind of fungus (belonging to the kingdom fungi) that grows both indoors and outdoors all around the world and there are many different species and colors. To some people the words fungi and mold are used interchangeably, but not all fungi are molds. Other fungi besides molds include something that most of us eat all the time: mushrooms. Certain kinds of mold are also used in the creation of specific kinds of cheese, so it is incorrect to think that all molds are bad for us.

Most of us don’t know what “mycotoxin” means, but it is what makes some kinds of molds dangerous. Mycotoxins are a compound that are produced by fungus that are dangerous to living things. The mold itself is not toxic, but the mycotoxins produced by the mold are and these are what cause health complications for some people.

When mold inspectors talk to you about “remediation”, you might not understand exactly what that means. The word “remediation” means to solve a problem and when it comes to mold, this means fixing the moisture and heating problem in the building where there is a mold infestation.

Stachybotrys is a genus of mold that has about 10 members and this grows mainly on dead plant materials. When it’s found indoors, it often grows on things like paper and canvas (this includes sheetrock that has a paper covering). This kind of mold is toxic and it is the mold that most people are thinking of when they say “black mold”, even though a few different kinds of mold are black. Not all black mold is stachybotrys.

Hidden mold is found in areas that you cannot see readily. They are colonies that can be found inside walls or in ventilation systems like inside air conditioners or inside the ducts themselves. Hidden mold in your ventilation system is important to get rid of because it’s distributing the mold throughout your home or business and spreading the infection to other areas where it will likely take root and grow.

The word “biocide” is a term that is meant to denote chemicals that kill organisms such as fungi or at the very least, slow their growth. The word “fungicide” is often used interchangeably with “biocide”.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New York water damage restoration and other states and cities such as
New York Basement Water Removal companies across the united states.

How to Prevent Water Damage Outside Your Home

Any excess amount of water coming into contact with the foundation or the inside of your home can be structurally damaging and if you own the home you’re currently living in, one of the best things that you can do to prevent this damage is to learn how to direct runoff water away from your home.

If you live in a rainy climate or even a snowy one (even snow melts eventually in most places), you should take special care to protect the structural integrity of your home. This is best done by making sure that you have good surface drainage outside of your home and this involves your roof, gutters, and downspouts. Downspout extensions also need to be paid attention to and you need to make sure that they direct water as far as possible from your home’s foundation.

Making sure your roof is properly angled according to where you live. Roofs with higher pitches are the most common in areas where snow tends to be heavy because snow can easily slide off the roof instead of being allowed to sit there and not only stress your roof because of the weight, but when it starts to melt, it will cause the water damage you’re trying to avoid. Water shouldn’t be allowed to accumulate on your roof for any period of time and this is why your roof should be angled so the water will run into the gutters.

The gutters to your home should be large enough to handle heavy amounts of rainfall, especially if you live in an area where heavy rain is common. They should also be cleaned out on a regular basis and be free of clogs of any kind. It might not be a fun home improvement activity for you or anyone you hire to do it for you, but doing this as opposed to having to repair water damage to your home will save you money in the long run.

The downspouts that are connected to your gutters are what direct the water from the gutters and down to the ground where a downspout extension should be located to make sure the water from your roof doesn’t collect around your foundation. These are normally located around the corners of the home, but can be found in other areas. The easier it is for water to get away from your home, the more money you’ll end up saving in the future.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Connecticut water damage contractors and other states and cities such as
Chicago mold remediation companies across the united states.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Different Types of Dehumidifiers

You might have used a humidifier in your room or your child’s room during sickness at one time, but what exactly does a dehumidifier do and in what circumstances do you need to have one in your home?

Dehumidifiers are often used in damp areas of the home to keep the humidity down; this reduces the chances that mold will begin to grow in that area of the house.

There are a few different kinds of dehumidifiers and if you are intending on purchasing one, them you might want to familiarize yourself with each kind and purchase one depending on your own situation. These types include chemical absorbent dehumidifiers, dehumidifying ventilators, and heat pump dehumidifiers.

A heat pump dehumidifier extracts water from the air utilizing a heat pump. This is somewhat similar to the pump that you find in an air conditioner. The fan inside the dehumidifier brings the air inside the unit and a coil inside it is kept very cold so that the moisture in the air being drawn across it condenses. This water drops into a bucket that fits into the bottom of it. A second coil that is heated brings the cold air back up to room temperature and pushed back out into the home. This is the most efficient type of dehumidifier for use in private residences.

The type that works the best in warm climates is the chemical absorbent type. This kind of dehumidifier uses a desiccant (a drying chemical) to absorb the water from the air that is pulled inside the humidifier by a fan. It is also expensive to operate and so this kind of dehumidifier is much more efficient for large business buildings and industry complexes. Homeowners should not purchase one of these.

A dehumidifying ventilator has what is called a sensor controller and what most other humidifiers have, an exhaust fan. What the sensor controller does is turn the unit on when the humidity in the home or office building reaches a certain level. These are not very efficient in homes that are located in humid environments because they bring air from outside the house to the inside. These are most often used in basements and cellars. Unfortunately, these can also depressurize whatever room they are located in and this can cause the spilling of gas. Any gas furnaces near by should be properly vented.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
South Carolina Water Damage Restoration and and other states such as
Chicago Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Dealing With Storm Damage

A hurricane or a flood can be a devastating experience for home and other property.owners and cleaning up after the fact can be a daunting task, especially if it is the first time that you have to deal with a problem such as this. If it is your first home that is affected, you might not have a good understanding of where to go after the waters and storm clouds have receded off into the distance. Sometimes hiring a professional to deal with extensive damage is often one of the best and safest things that you can do, but not everyone can afford a professional.

One thing that you should be very concerned about is downed power lines. If you have a downed power line on your property, ALWAYS assume that the downed line is a live one. Do not allow anyone to touch it or, if it lies across your driveway or the street where you live, drive over it. Not even an experienced electrician can tell you if a line is live just by taking a look at it.

After the storm is gone and the electricity has been returned to your home, the first thing that you want to do is turned the electricity to your home OFF so that you can take care of getting rid of the standing water that may exist in your home. This is especially important after a hurricane or a flood when there is likely to be standing water. Do what you can to get things dry as soon as possible without using an artificial heat source to do so. Remove wet furniture from the house and put them outside to dry.

Water damage is a serious risk during these times and during a hurricane, there is likely to be some kind of debris on the roof if your home. Remove this debris and check for any holes that might have been made in your roof during the storm. If there are holes, cover them up with tarp the best that you can, especially if you are expecting more rain. After you do that, go into the attic and assess just how much water has leaked into it. Insulation that has gotten wet should be removed immediately. It is no longer any good and only creates excess weight on your ceiling.

If you prepared for the hurricane before it reached your city or town, then odds are that you will not have many windows that have been blown out due to high winds. If you did not have time to prepare properly, however, you might have quite a bit of glass to clean up. If you are not expecting more rain, leave them uncovered to help dry the house out after you get rid of the broken glass.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information. and

Fire-Related Water Damage

That sounds kind of strange, does it not? Water is usually one of the last things that you tend to think about when your house is on fire, except for wanting lots of it to put the fire out with. When the fire trucks come and start the business of putting the fire out with gallons and gallons of water, we are typically overjoyed, except for those of us who know that the water they pour onto and into our home can be almost as damaging as the fire itself. Ceilings and walls become soaked in water, not to mention the rest of the home’s appliances, furniture, and fixtures. The insulation in the attic is not safe, either, because once it gets wet, it becomes completely useless in protecting your home from the heat and cold during the summer and winter seasons. It weighs down on your ceiling’s drywall and can eventually cause it to collapse if not replaced soon.

There are plenty of things that you can do when you have a fire in your home and you return to it to find not a dried out shell of a building, but a soaking wet interior.

Wait to turn on any household appliances or any lights while you are in standing water. This includes carpets that are soaked with water and make splashing sounds when you walk across them. It is also very important that you do not do this while standing on concrete floors. The possibility of electrocution is high.

If you start to enter a room, look up at the ceiling. If the ceiling is sagging down, then it is probably due to water that has been retained in the attic or because of insulation that has gotten soaked and is weighing down on the drywall. Do not enter this room. Instead, check out the damage to the attic, if possible.

Whatever clothing that you have in your home should be removed and hung outside to dry, if possible. Leaving wet clothing in your home to dry will ruin them because of the fact that mold will set in within about 24 to 48 hours after water exposure.

Whatever you do, do not attempt to vacuum floors that are wet. Using a wet vacuum cleaner to do this is the only option, but only do this after the electrical circuits in the house have been checked and found to be undamaged.

Remove any books and magazines that have colored covers from the floors. The dyes from these will run and stain your floors and carpet. These should be removed as soon as possible.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration companies and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Cleaning Up Smoke Damage

Fire is a veritable nightmare for any property owner, whether it is an apartment complex, a house, a business, or even just a piece of land. It can be devastating, but the most danger and expense usually comes from fires that affect the inside of a home or other building. These can wreak havoc on the lives of those who live in the home or even just the person renting it out, depending on whose fault the fire was, if it was anyone’s fault. There are a few things that you should do and not do if your house is the victim of a fire in order to clean up, especially if you cannot hire a restoration company to help you do so.

First, let us talk about the things that you really should do.

If you have pets in the home, you should remove them and get them to a safe environment as quickly as possible after the fire is out. You should not allow your pets, especially birds, to re-enter the home until the damage is taken care of. Birds are especially sensitive to smoke and other gases, so getting them removed from the home is very important to prevent the loss of life.

Open the windows and allow the air from outside to circulate. This will help get rid of the smell of smoke in the home. If your vacuum cleaner made it out of the fire or preferably if you have access to someone else’s, then using this to collect soot and other particles from your carpets, curtains, and upholstery should be the next thing that you do.

If you have plants, wash them completely in water and make sure that soot and other particles are not allowed to stay on them for long.

The things that you should not do should start with not using any electrical appliances (including your vacuum cleaner) until they have been checked and cleaned.

Do not attempt to clean porous surfaces like your ceilings and walls.

Sitting down on any furniture in your home that is upholstered (i.e. porous) is not recommended until they have been vacuumed and covered with plastic.

Any food items that were in the home at the time of the fire should be thrown away. This includes canned goods.

These tips are designed with your safety and your home’s restoration in mind. There may be other things that a restoration company could do to help you and in some cases, hiring a professional is the best thing that you can do. Weigh the pros and cons of hiring a professional and then decide what is best for you. Dealing with a home that has been water damaged due to the water from fire trucks is also another matter to contend with. Always consider hiring a professional to deal with extensive damage.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
water damage restoration and
mold remediation companies across the united states.

Cleaning Up Sewage From Your Home

Sewage damage to your home during a flood is a serious risk and if it is not taken care of properly, you may become very sick if you live in the home before it is properly cleaned up. Sewage will ALWAYS contain bacteria that cause all kinds of diseases, viruses, and other microorganisms that will cause you to become sick. As soon as the sewage and flood water has receded away from the home, you can begin cleaning it up. You must not allow the sewage to remain in your home any longer than necessary or it will possibly cause irreparable damage.

Proper protection equipment is essential when you are dealing with sewage damaged items. Always wear latex rubber gloves while you are working or do not help with the clean up process. A trick to help keep the gloves from sticking to your hands is to pour a small amount of baby powder inside them before you put them on. Rubber boots that are leak proof should also be worn to keep your feet dry and safe from the infected waters that may still be in your home.

Items that you will need for the cleaning process will be mops, brooms, sponges, buckets, a water hose, disinfectant products, and trash bags.

There are a few different items that you will throw away about 99 percent of the time once they have become contaminated with sewer water. These include large areas of carpet and carpet padding, food, books and other papers, foam rubber, and insulation. Porous toys must be thrown away, such as stuffed animals. Couches and chairs, mattresses, pillows, medicines, medical supplies, and cosmetics must also be thrown away. If it is porous, it must be thrown away.

Cleaning up the sewage is the next step. Using two buckets, one for cleaner-treated water and the other for rinsing water, you should do this one room at a time. Wash the surface you wish to start with and once you have gone over it one time, rinse your rag or mop in the rinse water. Do not re-insert it back into your cleaning water until you have rinsed it. Replace the rinsing water often.

After you clean an entire room, you should go over it again with a disinfectant. You may also have to deal with mold. Porous items with mold on them should be thrown away.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
Mold Remediation and
water damage restoration companies across the united states.